Special Meeting, January 20th, 3:00pm
The Kingsville Township Board of Trustees will hold a Special Meeting concerning road department personnel matters on Monday, January 20th, 2020 at 3:00pm at the Kingsville Township Garage (5890 Cemetery Rd).
The Kingsville Township Board of Trustees will hold a Special Meeting concerning road department personnel matters on Monday, January 20th, 2020 at 3:00pm at the Kingsville Township Garage (5890 Cemetery Rd).
Kingsville Township is looking to hire a full-time Road & Park Superintendent. Click the link below to see the job description and application instructions for this position: Road & Park Superintendent Job Description
The Kingsville Township Board of Trustees will hold their Organizational Meeting on Thursday, January 2nd, 2020 at 6:00pm at the Kingsville Fire Hall.
Due to very little response to our cleanup day last Saturday, we are making the dumpster at the township garage (5890 Cemetery Rd) available for yard waste only until next Monday, December 2nd. We will be accepting bagged leaves, grass, and yard waste along with bundled limbs and branches less than 12 inches in diameter…
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Part-Time Firefighter EMT-B or Paramedic Firefighter/EMT-B – $11.50/ hr Firefighter/Paramedic – $13.50/ hr Hours available and quick hiring process! Must possess current State of Ohio EMT Basic or Paramedic certification. Must possess current State of Ohio Firefighter 1 or Firefighter 2 certification. Must have valid drivers license. Valid physical agility from Tri-C within the previous…
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We are excited to announce that the Kingsville Township Fire Department was just awarded $13,951.00 from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Firefighter Exposure to Environmental Elements Grant project to purchase equipment to help protect our firefighters from carcinogens. The equipment includes: – 1 – Continental EH020 Washer/Extractor to clean turnout gear of carcinogens…
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Support our Fire Department Saturday, October 19th anytime between 4pm and 6:30pm at the Kingsville Township fire hall. Dine-in or get your spaghetti dinner to go. A great opportunity to catch up with your friends and neighbors. Donation only. Hope to see you there!
Come down to the Kingsville Fire Hall on October 19th from 5-7pm to see our new gear, look over the vehicles and equipment, and meet Chief Sopko. During and after the Kingsville Township Fire Department Booster’s spaghetti dinner trustees and fire department personnel will be available to answer any question you have about our Fire…
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Kingsville Township has set the hours for Trick-or-Treating from 6-8pm on Thursday, October 31st. Stop by the fire hall for popcorn and candy provided by the Kingsville Township Fire Department Boosters!
Come support our Fire Department this Saturday, September 21st anytime between 4pm and 6:30pm at the Kingsville Township fire hall. Pick up a spaghetti dinner. Donation only. Hope to see you there!
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