Category: Uncategorized

Clean Up Day 2022

Our annual Clean Up Day will be Saturday, June 4th, from 8am to 12pm at the Township garage location next to Lulu Falls Cemetery, 5890 Cemetery Rd. Allowed items include: furniture, lumber, building materials, mattresses, appliances (like dryers, washers, ovens), tools, and other non-hazardous waste. Restricted items include: concrete, yard waste, batteries, appliances with Freon (refrigerators,…
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May 10, 2022 0

Now Hiring Road Dept. Employees

Kingsville Township is in search of several people to assist with the care and maintenance of Township Roads and Parks. Resumes will be accepted by mail or in- person and must arrive by 3:30 pm on March 25, 2022. This will be a part-time, on-call, year-round position. Applicants should have a minimum of a HS…
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February 26, 2022 0

Now Hiring Seasonal Employees

Kingsville Township is in search of several people to assist with the care and maintenance of Township Parks and Cemeteries. Resumes will be accepted by mail or in-person and must arrive by 3:30 pm on March 25, 2022. This will be a seasonal position, weather will determine hours worked per week. Applicants should have a…
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February 26, 2022 0

Plowing Safety Reminder

Now that the snow has finally arrived, the Township would like to remind residents not to plow their snow into or across the roadway. This practice is illegal and can lead to an accident making a property owner or contractor liable. We appreciate your consideration of this matter and hope you have a safe and…
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December 3, 2020 0

Need Firewood?

From projects around the township, we have free firewood available at the Township Garage at 5890 Cemetery Rd. Contact Road Superintendent, Chris Bradek, for details – (440) 224-2377 or

July 20, 2020 0

Regular Meeting, May 13th – Teleconference

Kingsville Township will be holding its regularly scheduled meeting for May 13th, 2020 by teleconference to maintain public access and participation while also observing State of Ohio guidelines on social distancing. See the GoToMeeting information to access the meeting by telephone or computer. Meeting Room: Kingsville Township Trustees Please join my meeting from your computer,…
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May 12, 2020 0

COVID-19 Links & Resources

There are a number of resources available at all levels of government to assist citizens during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Here is a list of some of the local resources that are available: Ashtabula County 211 COVID-19 site – Connecting residents to the services and programs they need. The site provides links to other available…
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May 12, 2020 0

Regular Meeting, March 25th – Teleconference

Kingsville Township is dedicated to providing essential services while also protecting the safety and well-being of our residents and employees. To this end, we will be holding our regularly scheduled meeting tonight, March 25th, at 7pm as planned but the public will not be permitted to attend in-person. Public access which is required by law…
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March 25, 2020 0

Special Meeting, February 3rd, 6:00pm

The Kingsville Township Board of Trustees will hold a Special Meeting concerning personnel matters on Monday, February 3rd, 2020 at 6:00pm at the Kingsville Township Fire Hall, 3130 E Main St.

February 2, 2020 0

Special Meeting, January 27th, 6:00pm

The Kingsville Township Board of Trustees will hold a Special Meeting concerning road department and personnel matters on Monday, January 27th, 2020 at 6:00pm at the Kingsville Township Fire Hall, 3130 E Main St.

January 26, 2020 0