Regular Meeting, March 25th – Teleconference

Kingsville Township is dedicated to providing essential services while also protecting the safety and well-being of our residents and employees. To this end, we will be holding our regularly scheduled meeting tonight, March 25th, at 7pm as planned but the public will not be permitted to attend in-person. Public access which is required by law will be available through electronic means. Specifically, we will be using GoToMeeting and the following information can be used to access the meeting by telephone or computer. (The meeting will also be recorded.)
Meeting Room: Kingsville Township Trustees
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3122
Access Code: 643-559-117
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Follow this link to see the Ohio State Attorney General’s letter offering guidance on holding open meetings during the current COVID-19 pandemic:
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